Emerging and early-career photographers are encouraged to submit project proposals for the ART WORKS Project that raise awareness for marginalized communities and stories dealing with environmental justice, pollution, and climate change(Emerging Lens Fellowship)
- The $5,000 unrestricted fellowship for completing an ongoing or fresh piece of work will be given to Emerging Lens fellows;
career guidance and mentoring from AWP employees, AWP partners, and the Emerging Lens community;
- Possibility to apply for partial to complete financial support for project realization, including costs associated with fieldwork, renting equipment, travelling, etc.
- A culminating presentation of the student’s work with chances for programming and exhibition travel;
extra activation of labor and distribution opportunities facilitation.
No matter their location, age, or level of English ability, all early career photographers are eligible for the Emerging Lens Fellowship.
The commitment to inclusivity at Art Works Projects goes beyond the diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, culture, and sexual orientation to include financial status, educational attainment, and handicap.
Photographers and stories that reflect underrepresented narratives in photography will receive preference.
Click here to Apply.
Application Deadline
15 ,October 2023