Apply now I Science Communication Grants of upto €10,000

Future Earth Organising is offering Science Communication grants to promote awareness raising and understanding of scientific pathways for sustainability. 

This grant supports the dissemination of scientific findings of place-based research projects through innovative communication

Researchers, including PhD students, who are affiliated with universities and/or research institutions are invited to submit proposals for communication products that aim to disseminate scientific outcomes developed within inter- and/or transdisciplinary place-based research projects on pathways for sustainability, and are addressed to the broader public. This grant supports the communication of research that has already been completed. Proposals to fund research studies and/or include data collection will not be considered.

Scope of Proposals
Proposals must be based on completed outcomes of inter-/transdisciplinary place-based research projects that advance the understanding of at least one of the following three aspects of pathways for sustainability

Award Information
The call for proposals is now open for 2023. Two calls are planned per year.

Funding amount for each project in 2023: 2,500 € to 10,000 €

Estimated number of awards per call: 3-10

The total funding available in 2023 is 60,000 €

For more information visit

31 October 2023

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