To promote community-based climate action, applicants are urged to apply for the Auckland Climate Grant: Response.
The award provides financial support for neighborhood-based initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance climate resilience, and support Māori-led adaptations, with priority for 2023 and 2024.
Response grants aim to increase community participation in climate action and amplify existing efforts, especially among under-served communities like youth and Pacific peoples.
They connect with council programs and are open to groups building capacity in climate action.
Value of Grant: $1,000 to $15,000.
Project categories supported by the grant are Community & Environment projects.
Eligibility Criteria
Community organizations, residential areas, mana whenua and mātāwaka candidates, social entrepreneurs, companies and Business Improvement Districts
(BIDs), and educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, kura, and universities)
Click here to apply.
Application deadline
24th -October -2023